Leaving Salem

“That was one hell of a sermon, preacher.” That was the word of encouragement passed on to my good friend at the conclusion of an especially inspiring Sunday morning sermon. The young man paying the compliment was a simple diesel mechanic named Terry. Terry came to church every Sunday with grease under his fingernails; tattoos…

“I am the way, the truth and the life,” Jesus said. We Christians are quick to fasten hold of these words. We properly talk about his uniqueness, Jesus’ distinctive nature, but maybe we miss the point. Rather than treating Jesus as the way to know God, Christians often speak as if Jesus is standing in…

My youngest son, Braden, has been asking me questions about Speedy. He is particularly interested when Speedy is coming home. Speedy, blessed be his name and God rest his soul, was our pet kitten. He went to be with Jesus last year. I will not burden you with the details of his unfortunate demise. Let…

Blood runs along what remains of his left eyebrow. The drop hangs there for an instant and splashes to the ground. Stripped naked, on his knees, he lets his face fall forward into the dirt as the fading chill of early morning blows across his back; a back that more resembles something from a butcher’s…

“Do you believe that God is in total control of this world?” Someone asked me that question the other day. We had been discussing the difficulties of life and the trajectory our planet so dishearteningly seems to be headed. Being asked about God’s control of the universe is a lot like being asked, “Have you…

Jesus said, “If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.” These are some of the more knotty and uncomfortable words Jesus ever spoke. He seems to imply that his followers should be something like sponges. Our only response to injustice, we have sometimes been led to believe, is to grin…

“If there was one last loaf of bread in this town it would be mine.” I swear that’s what he said. He being a rather pretentious member of the clergy, stating how God would take care of him should the world come unhinged tomorrow. “Everyone else may starve to death, but I won’t. God has…

Hello Friends, Here is some news you can use from me and mine: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=5d8950ae28ffd32aaec1f7906&id=f7322ed9a0 Ronnie McBrayer

“Christians ought to be the happiest people in the world!” I’ve heard this line used more than a few times in my life. The happiness experts would like nothing more than to slather the faces of the faithful with smiles as permanent as those found on a marionette. Now, I have no problem with happiness.…

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