"new moon in virgo" This is another one of those positive happy cards that always feels vague to me.  I feel YES but what else? And sure I rather see the World than various other cards (Hello Death! Hello Tower!) On a mundane level, I have seen it for TRAVEL, traveling the world.

Tarot is a funny thing. So many Tarot books go card by card, to give us a foundation, detail, symbolism, and story, but the true meaning for the querent arrives during the ACT of reading. Tarot is something that HAPPENS.

What I’d like to do is leave all the guidebooks behind and give you my own feeling from the picture itself. And I tried that but it didn’t work. I just don’t feel the World. The barefoot dancer in the wreath with her candles. The animal totems from the fixed signs of the zodiac surrounding her. Until further notice, SOME cards we just have to take on faith and you know what? In the upcoming Tarot class we are going to be talking about cards that vex us, that we just don’t FEEL.

And maybe we need to experience the World for ourselves — before entering into this card and really getting it. When was the last time you felt the World? 

Then I looked in one of my favorite Tarot books and found this interpretation: INTEGRATION.

In the FIRE class (my astrology class that just finished) I listed my 10 Keys to the Fire and one of the participants came up with the Fire of Integration. Passion for putting it all together and becoming WHOLE. That, too, is the World card.

From Tarot author Joan Bunning “A major element of happiness is wholeness — the sense that everything is working together in harmony.”

See? When you feel stagnant energy around a Tarot card, it helps to have a book around — to wake you up! And keep picking up books until you find a meaning which resonates. Yes, I do suggest you grow an occult library of your own.

So we’ve come to the end of our Major Arcana series, perplexed by the World, and maybe there is a message there in and of itself. If we are still doing Tarot, if we are still on planet, if we are still seeing the World, then we aren’t done. There is always another spread, another shuffle, another question and querent. From the World, the End, back to the beginning, the Fool. Now we start over. Where shall this column go next….

But how about this: when you see the World, know that things are not only coming together but that they ARE. They already are.

And from occultist: A.E. Waite (who was a Libra!): “the World refers to the day in the past when all was declared to be good, when the morning stars sang together, and all of the Sons of God shouted for joy.”

I like that. That the World card is a GOOD DAY.

If you want to know more about my Tarot class forming at month’s end please feel free to contact me. Cost and length of class to be announced soon. 

P.S. Are you interested in receiving a personalized Tarot/Astrology reading? I have a new Special going on for folks who find me through Beliefnet, a discount on my usual rates. Click here to get in touch. Also, Tarot class forming later this month! Email for details.

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