Inspiration Report

Looking for cuteness and playful sweetness? Look no further! Meet Kiki and Mocha!  These wiggly little house guests are now residing with my newphew, who is a temporary foster dad. They are six and a half pounds between them. Kiki and Mocha are two adorable, sweet and energetic 18-month old female chihuahuas seeking their forever home.…

Feeling stressed? These simple 101 ideas for coping will help you through. These are courtesy of the Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Of course, a trip to Hawaii would also help with stress! 1.  Get up 15 minutes earlier 2.  Prepare for the morning the night before 3.  Avoid tight fitting clothes 4.  Avoid relying…

Like Derrin Austin, a father serving in the navy who surprised his son, Edgar Justino was a father serving in the army who wanted to surprise his daughter. Justino, who got called for active duty in the Army National Reserve, left for Afghanistan in December 2009.  Before serving, he recorded a special three-minute video message…

Despite the ongoing recession, a Gallup poll recently reported that Americans have renewed a positive outlook in their well-being and future. Gallup’s Well-Being Index is a survey that tracks six categories across American lifestyles: Life Evaulation, Emotional Health, Healthy Behavior, Physical Health, Basic Access, and Work Environment.  In the Life Evalution category, Americans are asked to rate whether they are “thriving,”…

Judy, Carol, and Deb were sisters who didn’t grow up together and had never met each other until recently.  Judy, 61, had been adopted as a baby when her birth parents couldn’t afford to raise her.  Carol and Deb were born to the same parents years later.  Growing up, Judy didn’t know anything about her birth parents,…

Threadless, an online t-shirt company that prints designs submitted and voted on by users, just debuted a t-shirt to help those affected by the Gulf oil spill. The t-shirt, titled “peliCAN,” shows the silhouette of a pelican covered in oil rising from oily waters, reaching freedom and future. All proceeds from the purchased t-shirts will be donated…

Beliefnet has an inspiring news story of it’s own to report. We won two Webby awards! Michael Kress, our Managing Editor and Vice President of Editorial, had the pleasure of accepting Beliefnet’s Webby Awards at a ceremony in Manhattan last night, in the traditional five word speech. Beliefnet won 2 awards in the Religion and…

About a year ago, Derrin Austin, a father and former captain of the San Diego Fire Department, decided to serve his country by enrolling in the navy. He was immediately called for active duty in Afghanistan, which meant he had to leave behind his wife and his 7-year-old son, D’Andre. Even though Austin kept in touch with…

We’ve all seen the horrific photos of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Water birds, fish, and other sea animals have been affected along with fishermen whose livelihood depends on the Gulf. At least 27,000 jobs have been affected. In order to help and support these fishermen, the John Tesh Radio Show has…

Weird rumors are circulating that Matt Roloff, the Dad in “Little People, Big World” died of a heart attack. Apparently they left the last season’s episode of the reality show with a cliff hanger with Matt on the floor.  People are speculating he had a heart attack. The show follows a family that comes in…

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