In writing up a comment to a previous challenge by my colleague Michael Kress that IC readers tell us about our favorite on-screen angels, I started thinking about Clarence, from “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and ended up with my favorite tortured vampire-in-a-trenchcoat, Angel. And that’s when it occurred to me that I had a different…

As a scholar of religion, a liberal Christian (yes, we do exist), and a lover of great fantasy literature, I am deeply saddened by the growing wave of fearful-to-the-point-of-hysterical online chatter about Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” trilogy, which was sparked by the upcoming Dec. 7 release of the film version of the first book,…

Yes, we were tired of the news being “the Britney Channel.” But over the weekend, a new kind of celebrity non-news hit, with the outing of a Harry Potter character. In case you haven’t been paying attention, here’s the recap: Albus Dumbledore. Gay. And in love with Grindewald, a rival wizard, whom he defeated in…

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, is at it again. Known for his hard-hitting attacks on, well, just about anything and everything (including Miller beer), Donohue has decided to settle on one big target for the time being. On October 9, Donohue and the Catholic League launched a “nationwide two-month protest of [Philip] Pullman’s…

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