We posted this piece a couple of weeks ago, and your responses have been amazing! We’ve chosen our 10 best and put together a gallery that you can see here–including the top entry, which won a free iPod for Beliefnet reader Evelyn W Voehringer. The contest is now over, but we invite you to continue…

As ‘The Golden Compass’ is released this week, Idol Chatter blogger Donna Freitas and series author Philip Pullman aren’t the only ones defending the movie against atheism accusations from The Catholic League. Now two of the movie’s biggest stars–Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig–have joined the fray, addressing the religious controversy in brief interviews with Parade…

It’s an annual tradition as firmly planted in our culture as Thanksgiving turkey, July 4 fireworks, and Barbara Walters specials: year-end best and worst lists, Top 10s, awards, and all the debates and discussions they inspire. I love this stuff, and have been known in the past to carefully assemble my Top 10 movies and…

Have I mentioned I am not interested in continuing the discussion over “The Golden Compass?” I’m pretty sure I have, but I have been following two critics in particular who have written on the subject at length, and they both have new articles up on the web that are excellent additions to the discussion. Critic…

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