Kyle Guy was a star player for the University of Virginia and a NCAA National Champion. Now, Guy is a Sacramento King. In a trade deal done on draft night, the Kings acquired him from the New York Knicks, which launched Guy’s professional basketball career. Guy was the 55th pick. Despite not being a surefire…

Stephen Curry is an incredible ball player, but that’s not all that defines him. The NBA star is all a devout and loyal Christian. In Curry’s latest episode of Facebook’s “Stephen vs The Game”, Curry lays out the exact moment that he became a Christian and how it changed the course of his life. The…

The secret to Patriots’ Matthew Slater’s coin-toss success is God. Why has New England Patriots Team Captain Matthew Slater called heads at every coin toss during his professional career? The answer has a lot to do with his earthly father and his heavenly Father. “Well, I remember as a child watching my father play in…

Tim Tebow, former NFL quarterback, is just months away from releasing his first movie. Co-produced by Tebow and his brother, Robby, the movie follows two fictional brothers, one who believes in God and another who doesn’t. The film tells their struggles to find purpose after their mother’s death and their father’s abandonment. The first trailer…

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