Everyone is abuzz every time a new member of the ever-expanding cast for “Twilight” is announced. This time, on Sunday everyone was talking about Michael Sheen, the British actor who got the part of Aro, the head vampire of the Volturi in Italy, the coven Edward Cullen pays a visit to in his despair-induced attempt…

By Chris Sagona I felt instant foreboding when I ripped open an orange Fed Ex package two weeks ago and saw that the next book I was being asked to review was called “Losing My Religion.” It wasn’t just the title and the cover’s obviously extinguished candle that gave me a queasy feeling. It was…

Best-selling author and storyteller SQuire Rushnell–yes, that’s a capital Q– launched his popular Godwink Stories™ on Beliefnet this week. Look for his twice-weekly video vignettes that will lift your heart and make you smile. A “godwink” is what some people would call a coincidence, an answered prayer, or an experience so astonishing that it could…

LeBron James, basketball phenomenon…. and a Member of the Tribe? I often tease my people about our collective obsession with the question of whether this celebrity or that is Jewish. But this one is a real mystery, and a big name, to boot. A recent issue of Time magazine asked several celebrities who they would…

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