A marriage counselor once said that “often what ends a marriage is that one person emotionally outgrows the other.” As we get older some of us grow with our life experiences and some do not. Adding to that – often the spouse that emotionally outgrew the other contributed to the other not growing up. If…

Any one who knows me will tell you that I have always been a cup is half full kinda girl. They will also tell you that my cup went from ‘runneth over’ to spilled, dumped, evaporated or a liquid ‘desert.’ I went from emotionally hydrated to emotionally dehydrated. It has taken me a long time…

My marriage counselor welcomes me and I make my way to the couch. He closes the door and then finds the way to his chair. I often say that this is my personal oxymoron, ‘marriage counseling’ by myself. I am in the middle of this divorce and this is still where I seek counsel. We…

I pick my son Danny up from the house of a friend. The car is quiet. “I love you,” says Danny. He shakes his head back and forth with awareness of the words that have just left his mouth. “That’s a habit I picked up from you,” he says with some teenage agony. “One of…

I love writing this column because not only is it cathartic for me, but because I can attempt to help some of the people in pain reaching out to me. I can tell them that I understand their heartache. It is true that marriage problems come in all different shapes and sizes. However, there is…

Love should not be complicated. Love should be generous and generosity is a simple concept. It’s important to never lose sight of the fact that relationships are what I call a “Relay.” The beginning of the word ‘rela’tionship implies this significance. It is a back and forth, a give and take, a constant ‘relay’ to…

I swipe at my keyboard to log into my computer. I find an e-mail waiting for me from an old friend. I will call her “Kiki.” I am excited to hear from her. Just seeing her name takes me back to shared laughter and sipping cocktails. I start to read and I only make it…

No, not a particularly Happy New Year so far…sounds scandalous I Know. It goes against this self-help, motivational junkie to admit that I am starting the New Year off this way. I was ready to write something really positive. After all, that’s who I have always been. Only it’s not who I am right now.…

I often want to scream. To announce to the world that love just simply isn’t that complicated. Ironically, that is often what I tell my marketing clients. I urge them to understand that business is not complicated. On the contrary, it is built upon a few, simple principles. If you stay brand centered and conscious…

There are small things that mean bigs things in a relationship. Are you in a relationship with someone that during an argument or when you are attempting to express your feelings: Walks out of the room or out of the house? Sits silently with absolutely no response? Hangs up the phone on you? Dismisses you…

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