Heart of the Soul

Sometimes, life can feel overwhelming. It can feel disheartening. It can feel like it’s all just too much to handle, to process, to sift through. Especially for sensitive souls – those of us who live our lives with our hearts wide open and with our emotions close to the surface. I know. I really do.…

I created this printable poster as a loving reminder for each of us. It’s my hope that it helps us remember to slow down and give ourselves the beautiful gift of stillness and presence. You can click on it, save it, and print it out – I created it at high resolution for you. Hugs,…

I oftentimes feel that my life is a drag car race – where I’m going around and around and around at super fast speeds, and the only time I stop to recharge is when I absolutely have to – when I’m about to run out of gas or when my body simply can’t go any…

Yes. It’s easy to look to another for the answers. It’s easy to look outside of yourself for the way forward. It’s easy to ask and plead and beg for someone to tell you what to do, or how to live, or where to go. It’s so easy to put all of your power in…

In the past I seemed to believe that I’d achieve perfection if I only tried hard enough, pushed hard enough, and worked hard enough.  So that’s exactly what I did. I tried until I couldn’t try any more. I pushed until I was absolutely exhausted and had nothing left to give. And I worked until…

The other day, after looking at my calendar and seeing how jam packed the upcoming week, month, year was, I started to feel panicky. The days are full. Completely full. They are the kind of days where I wonder how it’s all going to get done. They are the kind of days where I know…

Last week something happened that hurt me deeply. Because of this incident, I was faced with a choice: I could either close off my heart in order to protect myself from being hurt in the future. Or I could feel my anger, hurt, disappointment, pain, and sadness. I could allow myself to be there and…

I’ve been looking for ways to invite more peace into my life. More balance. More yin energy. More restful energy. More “ahhhhhhh” energy. Like many of us, I’ve been going, going, going for years. And all of this doing has become a habit. It’s become the known in my life. It’s become my comfort zone.…

I’ve been feeling more and more that in a world that seems to be speeding up and in a time when gadgets and technology are available (and oftentimes in our hands) at any moment, that presence has become the best present we can offer to ourselves and also to others.  Years ago, when cell phones…

  I am here to hold your hand when you aren’t sure if you can keep going. I am here to cheer you on when you have soared higher than you knew was possible. I am here when you are elated. I am here when you are devastated. I am here when you have forgotten…

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