Jodi Chapman - MindsetSometimes, life can feel overwhelming. It can feel disheartening. It can feel like it’s all just too much to handle, to process, to sift through. Especially for sensitive souls – those of us who live our lives with our hearts wide open and with our emotions close to the surface.

I know. I really do.

I have been feeling this way in my own life, and I wanted to share something that has been helping me lately – just in case you’re feeling similarly.

I focus on just one thing.

And not just any one thing: one positive, uplifting, loving, empowering thing.

  • A hug.
  • A smile.
  • A loving email.
  • A kind word.
  • A feeling that feels amazing.
  • A thought that lifts me up.
  • A funny video that makes me laugh.
  • An inspirational quote that helps put it all into perspective.
  • A friend who loves me for me.
  • A cat who asks for snuggles.
  • A yummy meal.
  • A soft couch to cuddle up on.
  • A peaceful backyard where birds constantly sing.
  • A new moment.
  • A deep connection with my soul, my angels, my heart, my guides.

I focus on trust, faith, love, hope, positivity, happiness, joy, gratitude.

One at a time.

And I find that it’s not long before I am grounded again, whole again, breathing deeply again.

Not long at all.

It’s not long before love takes over and swirls around my body, soaking up anything that is keeping me from living my soul’s calling or keeping me from embracing a joy-filled life.

Not long at all.

It really works, and I would love for you to try it, too.

What one thing would you like to focus on – to give your energy to – right now in this exact moment?

Would you be willing to release whatever is depleting you and embrace what feeds you instead?

I sure hope so. It’s what I’m doing, and I would love for you to do the same.

Just one thing: one positive, uplifting, loving, empowering thing.

It all starts right now.



P.S. – Registration just opened for the Soulful Life Sanctuary! I would love for you to join us! You can learn all about it + receive a special discount and bonus gifts here!


about jodi
Jodi Chapman is a bestselling author, an award-winning blogger, and a soulful community builder. She lives her life with love and faith in the driver’s seat, and she hopes to leave a trail of inspiration wherever she goes. She believes that we each have the ability to hear our soul’s whisper and create our best lives. She would love to connect with you!

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