Good Days...Bad Days With Maureen Pratt

A very happy Father’s Day to all fathers – those who are related through blood and those who act as fathers to all of us! Your strength, patience, creativity, and care are truly appreciated – and I hope that this day brings you much joy and surrounding love. Peace, Maureen

When we consider all of the things we must do each day, we might quickly become overwhelmed. Large tasks – doctor’s appointments, job interviews, school finals, for example – and smaller ones – grocery shopping, laundry, feeding the pets – can truly consume us sometimes. And, as we get that underwater feeling, we might neglect…

Ah! Wilderness! I’ve always like that title for a book or a play. Not so fond of it as a description of what it’s like to live with chronic pain. But, so often,that is what it is like. Wilderness. Stark. Deserted. Hot, perhaps. Or, bitterly cold.. There’s no signpost to give direction. No oasis to give…

These days, many people seem to shy away from memorizing anything. Historical dates, telephone numbers, and names – and many other things, too! – might be important, but in academia, “concepts” of history often win out over memorization of facts, and with our smart phones’ speed dial capabilities, we are rapidly losing any use for…

We who live with chronic illness and pain develop some mighty powerful prayer muscles! Long prayers, short prayers, shouted prayers, sobbing prayers – we’ve spoken and thought these and many others during good and bad days. And, if you’re like me, you’ve probably prayed more than once, “Please, Lord, smile upon me.” Of course, when…

Oh, what a great feeling it is when you really accomplish something – despite all the challenges and setbacks that chronic illness can bring! It’s a remarkable boost, even if you’re really spent afterward, to be able to look back at the pitfalls and say, “In spite of all that, I made it!” I suppose…

If you’ve ever cringed before revealing to someone a very deep, serious emotion, then you understand that stomach-churning sensation of danger just before divulging something profoundly personal. Sometimes, we might not feel we can trust the other person in whom we’re about to confide. Sometimes, we might be afraid we’ll be judged harshly and punished…

Life with a chronic illness can be cluttered quickly. There are all of those unused or partially used prescription bottles that litter our medicine drawers – oh, the ridiculousness of having to fill a whole prescription only to discover you’re allergic to it on the first dose! And, too, there are the objects with which…

‘Tis the season for doctors’ appointments. Tests. Treadmills. And, oh, the dreaded “fasting bloodwork.” It’s generally fairly exhausting, and I try not to schedule more than one appointment per day (though sometimes, life doesn’t work out this way). Health news aside, my “season” has kicked of in an unexpectedly nice way. The first doctor on…

The important thing about remembering past wars is that we use their lessons to think of ways to avoid future wars – and to act on those peace-making ways. This Memorial Day, beyond the barbecues and parties, the shopping and the relaxing, let’s lift up a prayer for those who served, gave their lives, and…

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