Wow, I am behind. Behind in decorating, doing, and all else having to do with the holidays.  Too soon this Season, I’m feeling that bone-deep fatigue that comes with lupus, anemia (just found out about that), and activity.  Steer me clear of the furniture section of the stores! I’m a goner if I come within…

Today, give yourself a breath of fresh air. Not just a shallow, timid gasp. A full-fledged, rejuvenating intake of blessed and cleansing oxygen. When we’re busy or tense, stressed or preocuppied, we might ignore the simple ways that we can reconnect, even for a moment, with God’s creation and the miracle that is our bodies.…

Next year’s birthday cards – done! This year’s holiday gifts – done! Yummy chicken soup prepared and in the freezer ahead of cold and flu season – done! I’ve often written about how hard it is to make firm commitments to things in the future. Chronic illness and pain have a way of interfering with…

It seemed so far away. Until now. As I type this, a second person in Dallas has been diagnosed with ebola, and more are being monitored.  People are talking about it on the news and elsewhere, and asking the question, “How bad can this get?” And those of us with chronic illness, and especially those…

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