“Why don’t you wear that lovely ewelry/that dress/those shoes more often? “Oh, it’s too good to wear everyday. I only save it for special occasions.” “So, when was the last time you wore it?” “Oh, it’s been so long, I can’t remember…” Does this conversation sound familiar? It sure does to me. I’ve heard it again…

Frequently, people will tell me that they want to write a book about their experience with chronic illness and pain. When they ask me for advice, I give them a response that’s probably not what they’re expecting. Instead of talking about the market for books, the world of e-publishing, or even the craft of writing,…

I understand the Scriptural basis for tithing and giving monetarily to church and charitable causes. I know, clearly, the story of the widow who gave her precious coin to the Temple. But the truth is that, today, living with a chronic illness can be very, very expensive, unpredictably so, and many people who are in…

I really, really, really like chocolate. Chocolate and almonds. Or, just chocolate. And yet, I know how bad it can be if I over-indulge. Extra weight on lupus-arthritic joints can add pain on top of pain. So, I try to manage…well…try is the operative word, here. The same reasons we like to munch on goodies…

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