The concept of a new year and how we approach it – with retrospectives, predictions, and resolutions – both puzzles and pleases me. It is good to take stock once in awhile, to assess where we’ve been, how much growth we’ve experienced (hopefully not of the weight-bearing kind), and how much we’ve accomplished. Good, too,…

Busy days, these have been, and well spent. But, if you, too, live with a chronic illness, you’ll understand:  With the joy and cheer come extra fatigue and pain. I’m not complaining. Christmas is one of my favorite holy-days (Easter being my  most favorite). But even “good” stress can have a negative effect on many health problems,…

Christmas Eve, Christmas Day! Glory to God in the Highest! We have come through Advent with a fuller understanding of what this holy season means and is, and we have deepened prayer and faith. We are here! And Christ is born! Relax in this profound joy, and find comfort in this wondrous love. Yes, there…

Advent Day 22: Is your family broken? Often, we hear about people coming from broken homes, where parents decide to live apart and children may be shuttled from one to the other. But, today’s question isn’t about broken homes, it is about broken families. Indeed, it is possible that, even if both parents reside under…

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