Advent Day 22: Is your family broken?

Often, we hear about people coming from broken homes, where parents decide to live apart and children may be shuttled from one to the other. But, today’s question isn’t about broken homes, it is about broken families.

Indeed, it is possible that, even if both parents reside under the same roof, a family might be in trouble, torn, and broken. Or, an extended family may be suffering from terrible rifts, sometimes over inconsequential things, and anger may be the predominant emotion even at this time of peace and joy.

There is hope for families that are broken. We find it in God’s abiding presence and His ever-willingness to bring peace where we open our hearts to it. Help is also available through medical professionals, clergy, and trusted friends.  Help, in its purest sense, begins with each of us as individuals, standing before God and recognizing our humanness and need for His grace and guidance.

It can be quite a struggle to muscle past anger, resentment, frustration, and disappointment. However it is not impossible. With God all things are possible, especially at this time of year. If only we ask each day to be stronger, inside and out.

At this time when we are almost at Christmas and have in our minds another, Holy family, let us pray that broken families everywhere may feel the comfort and healing of Christmas peace.

Blessings for the day,


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