Image courtesy of graur codrin/

The concept of a new year and how we approach it – with retrospectives, predictions, and resolutions – both puzzles and pleases me. It is good to take stock once in awhile, to assess where we’ve been, how much growth we’ve experienced (hopefully not of the weight-bearing kind), and how much we’ve accomplished. Good, too, to remember times with friends and moments that make up part of that lifetime scrapbook of memories – the cherished people and places that help us through the difficult times.

But, when it comes to resolutions, well, I’m a bit perplexed. Is there truly any difference between December 31 and January 1 that sets us off to achieve monumental accomplishments? Massive weight loss, marathon runs, masters’ degrees and more? Oh, I get the concept. I’m just not so sure that, by waiting until the 1st of January to start carving away at a foible or starting a new and glorious habit, we will be any better equipped to get to where we want to go.

Why not begin now?


Yes, now. Today. Before January 1. Why don’t we start those good habits now. Or, March 3? August 15? What about February 29? (that way, we’d only be required to get to those resolutions once every 4 years!)

My point is that, when we want to accomplish something worthwhile, good, elevating or even routine, the important thing is not so much when we begin, but that we begin.

In health, as in spirit, this really hits home. The sooner and more definitely we commit ourselves to a good path, a healthful habit, the sooner we’ll reap the benefits. If we start today, we may be able to accomplish those long-held goals before 2014!

There are many thins I would like to accomplish in 2013, but I haven’t waited thruoghout 2012 to put things in motion. A little bit each day, and goals are more solidly within reach.

So, a spirited “Happy New Year!” to you and all you hold dear. May 2013 be filled with all manner of good things – all beginning today!

Blessings for the day – and the new year,


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