Consumer debt is like a cancer.  Consumer debt is like termites. They are working their pain beyond the notice of the outside world. While they eat away at the infrastructure of our bodies and homes, we often go about life unaware. I sat with friends recently who received the news they have cancer.  They were devastated.  Crushed. “How…

Why are experts the last to see what God spells out so clearly? A household or nation that spends twice as much as it brings in leads to ruin. Improper Planning Leads to Poverty Proverbs 21:5 – The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Ignoring Instructions Leads…

I’ve written much on the debt ceiling debate, but on the “eve” of our destruction, let me take one more look. I’ve worked with addicts for years in inner-city ministry in Chicago, Cincinnati, and Atlanta. I worked at a methadone clinic in Chicago and kept the files on hundreds of addicts. I saw real change,…

Uncle Sam has finally hit the wall. After years of intoxicated binges on borrowing and inflating, the US government has hit the new debt ceiling. There are many theories and predictions as to the consequences of not raising the amount we can borrow. Raising the debt ceiling is the equivalent of Uncle Sam drinking more…

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