
This week, I spoke about Mormonism, Christianity, and Liberation Theology. Check out the MP3 here. Here is a video of me speaking with a Muslim scholar about differences between Christianity and the Muslim religion

Why is unemployment so high? Why hasn’t it gotten better? Why haven’t the national credit card of TARP, Stimulus funds, bail-outs, and buy-outs made the situation any better?   It’s not Obama’s fault nor Bush’s fault.  Or another way to say it might be: It’s both Obama’s fault and Bush’s fault.   Behind the political…

I got an opportunity to interview a local business leader practicing Godonomics.    He built a business to not only provide jobs, but provide jobs for the poorest of poor in Cincinnati.  He works with local missions to help those in poverty, with drug records, or prison records who are ready to make a life…


I’ve pastored churches that had “red-state” leanings as well as “blue-state” leanings.  I’ve had the opportunity to meet folks like Mike Huckabee and Jimmy Carter.    I had breakfast with Mike Huckabee this year after the two of us were both speaking at a pastor’s conference.   I was speaking on Godonomics:  God’s teaching regarding…

I read an article recently about a business man who discovered the stone used in the city of Jerusalem and is making it available in America. Denver, Colorado – Gill Lobel loves Jerusalem and its beauty so much that he has decided to bring part of its history and mystery to the United States. Owner…

Next, Jesus launched His ministry by prayerfully selecting twelve disciples, or followers. These twelve devoted men would live and learn with Jesus over the next three years. He would teach them, laugh with them, and warn them of His impending death on the cross. During this ministry, Jesus mingled with people from all walks of…

As we move into chapter six, we transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament. The New Testament begins about 400 years after Malachi (the last book of the Old Testament) was written. The New Testament covers the birth, life, and death of the long awaited Jewish Forgiver. It also gives a play-by-play, front-row…

History records the brilliance of God’s ability to weave good out of this “evil time” in history. The evil nations that He allowed to spring up would set the stage for his coming Messiah. The Greeks would expand the known world and established a common language, making the message of the God’s forgiveness easy to…

The message of the Bible offers the only satisfying answer to the problem of evil and suffering.   All the other philosophies and religions of the world can be boiled down to four phrases: Not Really, Not Ever, Not Again, and Not Yet. When you ask the Buddha for a solution to suffering, he would tell…

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