This used to be common sense. The benefits of free markets and smaller governments benefit everyone: Democrats, Republicans, Business, Unions, etc.  When freedom is the priority and the rule of law is kept, there can be freedom and justice for all.  This cartoon showed the common sense belief all Americans had in living in a…

My mom was brilliant, and she still is. She has a relational I.Q. that is out of this world. She can sense when someone needs encouragement. She knows when there is something fishy going on. She has found a way to create family customs that unite our family to this day. She’s woven her heart…

I read  a fascinating article about how Christ’s liberty, the Gospel, and the Four Spiritual Laws began the peaceful revolution against communion in Poland.  This underground and peaceful revolution undermined the lies of socialism, communism, and Marxism.  While the Gospel is always about and inside our CONVERSION bringing liberty, socialism and its counterparts are always…

“Karl Marx was angry, hate-filled, quarrelsome, neglectful of his family, lazy, and violent. He suffered from hideous carbuncles in part because he almost never bathed. He spent almost all his time at home or in libraries, and almost none where the workers he fumed about actually worked. He mooched off of others all his life,…

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