Why are experts the last to see what God spells out so clearly? A household or nation that spends twice as much as it brings in leads to ruin. Improper Planning Leads to Poverty Proverbs 21:5 – The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Ignoring Instructions Leads…

The Bible addresses money, liberty, government, and even issues like… the debt ceiling.    Whether its Washington D.C. or a family budget, all of us need to deal with our own overspending. Many are surprised at how relevant the Bible is to modern day issues. Others are surprised to see that issues on the national landscape…

Here is a clip from the Godonomics DVD where I explain some practical ways to teach our kids to give generously and wrestle with their own greed. [bcvideo vid=”919576781001” pid=”96582452001” height=”410″ width=”480″]           Here is a clip where I helped our kids wrestle with how important money is in their lives. [bcvideo…

Remember Scrooge McDuck swimming in his vault of gold coins. It’s easy to demonize Mr McDuck and his lack of generosity, instead of looking in the mirror at the Scrooge in your own heart. By this time tomorrow, 187,000 meals will be on their way to feed starving children in the Phillipines. I watched the…

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