This morning we are looking at prayer and meditation.  Meditation may conjure up images in your mind of yoga, someone crossing their hands and feet and saying “ohmmm” or Gregorian chants…but none of those are examples of what the Bible calls meditation.    Here is a passage in the Bible that mentions both… Phil 4:6, 8…

The average divorce process requires multiple years and costs from several hundred on up to several thousand dollars. There are additional costs as well.  The new costs of a new rental or mortgage payment for a separated spouse as well as new alimony and/or child support payments now and later. If divorce is on the horizon,…

II. Modify Your Parenting Bend Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Train Up by Stimulating Natural Instincts The Hebrew word hanakh means “to dedicate” or “to consecrate.” It’s used only four times in the Old Testament, three times…

God wants to win our hearts and teach us to follow him. Training our conscience to follow his Wisdom rather than our wisdom is a life long process of parenting.    He imparts His virtue into our hearts. He trains the Terrain of our conscience with His truth. I love taking my daughter Sierra on…

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