I’ve been an illusionist for years. I love reading books about magicians, their showmanship, and secrets to their illusions. One of the greatest illusions is greed. It disguises itself as “being smart,” “planning ahead,” and “getting a great deal.” I heard a couple tell me that they upgraded their SUV because they “were getting…

George Washington died the same way America’s economy is dying: he was bled to death by his doctors. As George’s symptoms got worse, his doctors siphoned out another pint of blood–believing his bad blood was the problem. With every pint pumped from his veins, he surprisingly –at least to them- got worse. These educated and…

Consumer debt is like a cancer.  Consumer debt is like termites. They are working their pain beyond the notice of the outside world. While they eat away at the infrastructure of our bodies and homes, we often go about life unaware. I sat with friends recently who received the news they have cancer.  They were devastated.  Crushed. “How…

Proverbs 31 lays out how economics work for a family or a nation.  Our Proverbs 31 woman produces, profits, and has savings.  From her savings, she invests in new vineyards, hires new workers, and gives generously to the poor. These steps are simple, but fundamental. Produce—- Profit—-Saving—-Invest. The opposite of this is when the government…

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