Why are experts the last to see what God spells out so clearly? A household or nation that spends twice as much as it brings in leads to ruin. Improper Planning Leads to Poverty Proverbs 21:5 – The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Ignoring Instructions Leads…

Bill Cunningham interviewed me recently on his radio show asking about God’s perspective on economics.  Here is what I said. For more information, check out the first 30 minute video of Godonomics free at http://www.godonomics.com/watch-session-1  

Here is a fun little video where Karl Marx reveals his new GOVERNMENT MASTER card. Governments dilute the money supply through printing. Inflation is like pancake syrup Why are government purchases so wasteful?  Economics teaches us that third party purchases will always be wasteful as I explain in this clip from the Godonomics DVD. [bcvideo…

For weeks we’ve endured something worse than Harold Camping’s end of days predictions. We heard Obama and Boehner warn us that -if we don’t keep spending- the world will end, senior citizens will go broke, and the poor will revolt. Now that the date is here, Republicans and Democrats might find good company with Harold Camping. Neither…

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