This used to be common sense. The benefits of free markets and smaller governments benefit everyone: Democrats, Republicans, Business, Unions, etc.  When freedom is the priority and the rule of law is kept, there can be freedom and justice for all.  This cartoon showed the common sense belief all Americans had in living in a…

There is a difference between a “group project” and helping one another out.   As an honor student in high school, I was often asked by my teacher to help out a student struggling in class with a particular concept. I was always thrilled to be generous with my time to help someone else improve and…

I read  a fascinating article about how Christ’s liberty, the Gospel, and the Four Spiritual Laws began the peaceful revolution against communion in Poland.  This underground and peaceful revolution undermined the lies of socialism, communism, and Marxism.  While the Gospel is always about and inside our CONVERSION bringing liberty, socialism and its counterparts are always…

Proverbs 31 lays out how economics work for a family or a nation.  Our Proverbs 31 woman produces, profits, and has savings.  From her savings, she invests in new vineyards, hires new workers, and gives generously to the poor. These steps are simple, but fundamental. Produce—- Profit—-Saving—-Invest. The opposite of this is when the government…

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