Just the word “Paris” conjures images of bustling cafes, intimate bistros, sparkling brasseries, and pastry.  Oh, Parisian pastry.  Stop me before I write a sonnet to thee.  Now that I’ve (sort of) gotten over my jet lag after my Parisian adventure, I’ve realized I can’t keep the foodie beauty just for myself.  So in the…

Last weekend I cooked. I’m more of an “assembler,” generally–salads; bowls of rice, beans, seweed; pasta with side of broccoli. But in my effort to become more of a food alchemist, I picked up my copy of the amazing Heidi Swanson’s “Super Natural Cooking,” and turned to the Ultimate Veggie Burger recipe. It’s not vegan,…

Recently I had the pleasure of taking a yoga workshop with Mariel Hemingway and her good friend Sara Ivanhoe. It was an intense afternoon, full of flowing asana with a specific focus on Patanjali’s first yoga sutra — Atha Yoganusasam (NOW is the Practice of Yoga).  In that spirit of now, we were encouraged to…

Everyone likes a bargain, right? And in these economic times, saving money — even a little — is a satisfying pastime. I was never an avid coupon clipper mostly because the coupons that come in the newspaper are for products I don’t generally use. But early this year, in a fit of financial anxiety, I…

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