Flight of the Soul

Everyone I meet changes me. All that surrounds me is nature’s elegance. Love offers up endless opportunity to expand exponentially. Any thought in my head that isn’t loving is not true. My friends know who I am and show up when I need them. Offering all of myself to any effort is the greatest gift…

“It is holy or unholy depending on how we perceive it and the purpose that the mind ascribes to it.” Letting go of the need to know of a future that can never be set in stone, that only exists in the mind frees the moment of now and gives everything up for the grand…

Do it with a song. As I was browsing through youtube I saw this… from the the last episode of the “I Love Lucy” series “Lucy Meets the Moustache.”  Catch the poignancy of each moment when you know that after a successful marriage, a long running beloved series and two children, Lucy and Desi were…

Everything meaningful comes out of the space of nothingness. May you open into the fullness of the present and allow the world unfold in all its magnificence. Let me know what comes up. lots of love,   Melanie

Sometimes we need to get out of our current environment and see the world with new eyes. A few years ago a beautiful friend of mine filled up a suitcase with medical supplies, food and everything she could stuff into a carry on and headed to Africa to distribute what she could to those in…

de-light-ful = highly pleasing well beloved = dear to the heart; sincerely and deeply loved grace = unmerited divine assistance for regeneration or sanctification uplifting = to improve the spiritual, social, or intellectual condition   Think about putting these words into action in your life. Share the love that you feel. Live your life in…

Choose to see things differently and take any light bulb moment of truth to change the story you’ve created. To get help. To share yourself. To move from fear to love, from insecure to joyful, from ill will to well wishes. You can choose in this moment to open yourself up to the possibility of…

Mystic Journey Compress each moment is a gift Melanie Lutz I am proud to join with Beliefnet.com in providing insights, hope, possibility, openings and most importantly a collective spirit of community in which we can transcend that which is beyond our sight having faith in everything necessary to achieve personal transformation, which person by person,…

Divine Love isn’t just for breakfast time. It’s for all time. Enjoy a little morning reading from Love Land. I switched to Seattle’s Best coffee (#3) this morning. Makes me wonder what level 5 is like. Click to listen to audio… Melanie Lutz’s Love Land – Enrich Each Moment audio There is a garden growing…

Everything I want I have. A simple statement. But. How do we embrace what we already own? The answer is always easy. By giving the gifts we have been given. By sharing what is in your heart. By offering all of our self to the effort without shame and discomfort or needing anything. In god’s…

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