Flight of the Soul

When going after something that to the present circumstance seems impossible like curing Alzheimer’s it often times requires a bold statement of intent.  As I was walking home through Beverly Hills, I saw this sign “This is Where it Will Happen” blockading off the sidewalk closure containing the construction of a new building harkening a…

A revolution takes place in the heart. It begins by hearing “Enough!” Enough of the thinking that led me astray. Enough of the actions that keep me in my pattern. Enough of the behavior that blocks me from accepting what is being offered in every moment. It begins by opening up and being willing to see…

Walking through open doors has always been elusive for me. The door would be open and I’d say. “Hmmm. Not now.” “Not ready.” “Maybe you should go first.” “Is it to warm, I don’t have a suit.” The door opens for a reason. For you to walk through. There are millions of doors that open…

It is so strange to be mourning so many things as spring moves into summer. It isn’t just a time where the City of Los Angeles experienced the first fatal shooting of one of its bus drivers, Alan Thomas, we lost Barry Gibb and Donna Summer and have heard the story of the inhuman massacre…

An ancient melody calls us to the awareness of who we are Infinite heart Infinite love Infinite peace Fierce compassion Ultimate power  I am a Magnificent Woman I reclaim the energy of creation I open up to new possibilities I am an active and purposeful participant I own my gifts And use them I call…

All over the globe right now people are waiting for a miracle. They are in need and they are looking for an answer to their prayers. “seek not outside of yourself Heaven can not be found  outside yourself. Seek not outside insisting it is possible to find what you crave. Seek no longer elsewhere to…

“Telling the truth when we feel vulnerable is one of the hardest things to do. We might fear rejection, abandonment, disapproval, disappointment, rage, hurt, or just the raw exposure that’s an unavoidable part of the process. Yet almost every time we’re willing to tell a hard truth, we grow and deepen in presence, no matter…

Standing in the kitchen talking to two of my dear friends over a hot cup of tea we came to a sudden realization looking at each other and said. “What a difference a year makes.” Never had a statement resonated with such a beautiful gong ringing zest. After all we had been through last year…

Enjoy this beautiful short film Caine’s Arcade that exemplifies what it means to share what you love as nine year old Caine opens a cardboard arcade in his Dad’s auto shop. Have a dream. Make manifest and bring to life the vision in your head.

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