People are feeling the pinch of their aloneness, the disconnection from family, friends community, going out to eat, experiencing calling with panic attacks, depressed vibes and worry.  Knowing we are in a transformative state actively helping our neighbors by staying home isn’t always a salve for what ails our nerves. Keeping the light of love…

Every year I go to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, CA to bare witness and mourn what fear + anger inflicts on so many families and to remind my broken heart, we are stronger in those broken places when we remember and return to love. Healing is forgiving it isn’t forgetting. Today as…

Dishonesty dishonors. Personal integrity matters. I am angry I will not deny it. I am angry. The men calling out ‘bitches, deserve this.” I am angry. The lack of representation. I am angry. The years of continuing hypocrisy. The hijacking of democracy. The ways that met the means and the means were ugly. I am…

Today is the day to start something loving, to ignite the flame of truth and restore the hearts beat attuning to the sounds of the giving universe. Inspire, inform, entertain and deliver deep wisdom by starting something from the eternal loving beat of the heart. Michael Jackson was a recognized genius of his time who…

The journey to our authentic self is our destiny. We arrive through love in all its blazing glory. Day 8 |  Step Up Step up and into the destiny of this moment. No matter what you think is stopping you, forget it and step up, take that next loving action. Remember you begin again with…

Beyonce delivers Freedom for International Day of the Girl. Thankful for Beyonce for her work, for her passion and the inspiration that Girls have a voice and a light to shine. Grateful she is here  to inspire us and wake us and move us and allow us the privilege of being better today than we were yesterday…

We are co-creating all the time. We are practicing creation with each thought we think and all the words we utter. Words have meaning. We are responsible for what we say. Consequences are the outcome of our statements. Creation is the sum of all loving thoughts, in number infinite, and everywhere without limit. Only love…

When I think of all of the experiences of my life and all of the people I have met, I want to experience the smile of compassion and understanding that we are all doing the best we can.  I want to stay present in the loving moments that were shared. I want to remember the love felt and…

The trick is not believing in what you can see, but believing in what you can’t.  There’s some deep mofo stuff happening in the world. We are at a point where half the planet is overweight and the other half are starving.  Where you can’t shake a stick without someone going off the anxiety spectrum of fear and…

A few things to Remember with Love…. -Change is a constant. The Earth never stops moving and spinning and evolving. -Freedom is something that our ancestors fought for and should never be taken for granted. -The heart is always ready to sing a song and your body and spirit love to dance. -Love always remains…

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