One of the most important things we can do is keep the story of Pastor Saeed Abedini in the spotlight. This U.S. citizen is facing eight years in a deadly Iranian prison, convicted for his Christian faith. We know that the situation he faces gets worse day by day. He remains cut-off from speaking with…

I want to thank FOX News and the numerous news organizations that have been reporting on Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. In an interview today with FOX host Megyn Kelly, it became very clear that Iran is doing all that it can to politicize the case of this Christian pastor, facing death because of his religious beliefs.…

Just hours after posting the latest update concerning the fate of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, comes word from our sources in Iran that officials in Iran may have issued an execution order for the Christian pastor, whose been held for more than two years in an Iranian jail cell because of his Christian faith. We can’t…

This Christmas season reveals a growing danger facing Christians in many parts of the world and underscores why the international work of the American Center for Law and Justice and its international affiliates is so important. You don’t need to look past the headlines – report after report of Christians facing persecution – even death…

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