Now that the ObamaCare decision is out and the analysis continues, there are more questions about how the Chief Justice reached his conclusion that the penalty provided for failing to purchase health care is actually a tax – a distinction that cleared the way for the individual mandate and ObamaCare to be upheld as constitutional.…

It came down to one vote. Most observers had their eye on Justice Kennedy. But, at the end of the day, it was Chief Justice John Roberts who cast the deciding vote – upholding the individual mandate and keeping ObamaCare intact. While the Court correctly concluded that the mandate violated the Commerce Clause of the…

It is an issue that we knew would get to the Supreme Court. But what happened yesterday isn’t exactly what we expected. As you know, the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego has stood for nearly 60 years. For decades now, there have been legal challenges to get it removed. In 2006, Congress took…

The Supreme Court today unanimously upheld a key provision of Arizona S.B. 1070 – a provision of the law that gives police authority to check the immigration status of a person while enforcing other laws if ‘reasonable suspicion’ exists that the person is in the United States illegally. That’s the good news. The bad news:…

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