Doing Life Together

I have an adorable four-year-old black miniature poodle. There are times I have to travel and need to take her to doggie day care. We actually have a really great place to board her for a day. But here is the problem. Now, the boarding places are requiring a canine flu shot in order to…

If you have children, you want them to be thankful and not take the blessings of this life for granted. One mom writes and asks how to help her children be thankful this Thanksgiving season. Try these two family activities, Q: This holiday season my husband and I want to focus on things we are…

Anger is a misunderstood emotion. Take the 10 question anger quiz to see how well you understand anger: T     F    1.  As long as I don’t look or sound angry, I am not angry. T     F     2. If I ignore anger long enough, it will go away. T     F     3. If I punch or throw…

Last night I caught myself beginning to worry about something in the near future. I had to stop and do what I know to do. Worry is a mental habit that needs to broken. My new book, Letting Go of Worry, offers practical steps to stop this bad habit. But why do we worry when…

I ate way too many chocolate covered peanuts last night. I wasn’t physically hungry. I was in front of the TV and the peanuts were by my side. So I ate them. I know better. I wrote a book entitled, Press Pause Before You Eat— a book about mindless eating. A starting point to break…

Last summer, when author Ann Rice made the bold statement, “I quit Christianity,” I was saddened but did she have a point? Gandhi once said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Best selling author of the dark side and former atheist, Ann Rice agreed. …

Today, 11-11-11 is Global Day of Worship. 24 hours 24 time zones Joining 24 elders around the throne to throw our Lord a party. No purpose but to worship Him!         For one day, the globe gives our Lord praise and worship. For those who worship, this will be a taste of…

Frat parties, binge drinking, one-night hook ups and lots of next day regret? Not for some young women. They’ve taken a stand against the party hardy norm and do not want to be the next hook up on their college campus. And it may surprise you who is saying NO. These women are defying the…

The Penn State’s football motto is “Success with honor.” After the news of this week, that motto is suspect. The reason has to do with Jerry Sandusky, a 33 year defensive coordinator at Penn State who retired after the 1999 season,. He was charged with seven counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, four counts of…

Yesterday I was interviewed multiple times on the radio, once in LA, to discuss the Kim Kardashian divorce. The interviewers felt Kim owed her fans a better explanation for the ending of her marriage. Here are  10 reasons I could find that have been proposed. They are all speculation since the couple is not being…

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