Doing Life Together

If you need help with compulsive spending, try applying these strategies to help break the cycle: 1) Admit you have a problem. 2) Get rid of your credit cards and pay with cash or check only. Hide one card for emergency uses only. You may want a spouse or trusted friend to keep this card.…

Today marks the first year anniversary of my mother’s death. I miss her, but know she is with her Lord. When someone dies, Christians think about eternity. Our earthly contributions are important and praised, but it is our belief in Christ that ultimately matters. Our focus goes beyond the present. Augustine once said, “They, then,…

As I hear  people talk about how stressed they feel, I am concerned that we don’t over do it and collapse into a state of mess after all the celebration is over. Our reasons for stress are legitimate. There are family get togethers, cooking and baking, decorating, meal planning, parties, gifts to buy, financial strain…

It’s that time of year again when most of us consider the trek home to join the family fun. For many, it’s a trip into dysfunction, raising anxiety levels. Family get-togethers can create holiday angst–a gift worth not giving! Most of my therapy discussion this time of year centers on helping people prepare for family…

Yesterday I was asked to do a TV interview on Tim Tebow. This time the focus was positive. Tebow is very polarizing. People either love or hate him (see my blog on 10 reasons for Tim Tebow Hate). One of the questions asked was how does Tebow’s faith affect his performance and his team? My…

Alec Baldwin embodies the entitlement mentality we see so prominently displayed among celebrities and others these days. His latest incident of being escorted off an American Airline flight for refusing to turn off his cell phone when asked, is another example of celebrity bad behavior that gets a media pass. His apology, posted on the…

I ran across an interesting article on abc news about why some atheists are going to church. The article referenced a study conducted by two sociologists, one at Rice University and the other at the University of Buffalo in the December issue of the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. The researchers discovered that one…

Here we go again. Lindsay Lohan, please go to therapy. You life is a mess and this latest move is not going to help you straighten things out. What is going on with this woman child? Is she too far gone that no one can speak sense to her? Maybe she doesn’t want to hear…

I’ve been following the research on violent video game playing for decades. The news isn’t usually good and gamers become highly defensive whenever I post on this topic. So here we go again! Consider this research as you choose your holiday presents. It confirms a finding we have known for years. The study was presented…

I walked in to a radio station focused on doing an interview totally unrelated to football and the producer starts ranting about how much he hates Tim Tebow. This was a day after Tebow once again brought his Broncos to victory. So I asked why he hates him so much. He really couldn’t articulate a…

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