Doing Life Together

A new government survey on teens and health risk behaviors has been released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) looks at six types of health risk behaviors that contribute to leading causes of death and disability. The National Risk Behavior Survey was given to over 13,000…

Have you noticed the trend?  Companies trying to sell us hair and feminine products, soap and make-up are targeting girls with messages of empowerment. Stop being weak, telling people you are sorry and wallowing in low self-esteem! #GirlsCan! First it was Dove’s Real Beauty campaign, then the Pantene video told women to stop saying we are sorry, and now…

I was listening to the news and heard a story about the latest fashion fad–triple O jeans. Yes, you read that right OOO! I didn’t even know there was such a size.  And frankly, that size should be in the children’s department. According to the Fox News reporter, the average waist size of someone who fits…

With the rise of hookah bars, teens tend to think that this trend is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. This simply isn’t true. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is warning us that smoking anything increases our risk for certain cancers. Even a single evening of smoking hookah can significantly increase carcinogen exposure…

It’s a typical Friday night and mom and dad are at it again. Little Jill covers her ears. Billy runs under the table and tries to hide and Angie cries. The kids are stressed and can’t take their parents constant fighting. All that stress is physical and emotionally hurting them. Their heart rates beat faster.…

It is afternoon. You have a talk to give. When you enter the room and begin to set up, you notice people looking rather sleepy. In fact, as you scan the audience, some people are already nodding off. You think, “This is going to be a challenge! Why are people looking so drowsy? Was it the…

You are reading an email from a man you are dating. Your gut tells you, “I’m not sure this is the truth.” How do you know if he is lying to you? It’s tough. With social media you don’t have the advantage of watching the person’s body language or listening to the tone of his or…

We know that obesity is a global epidemic and that something has to be done to curb the eating of most Americans. One solution being proposed is to tax junk food. This would mean government would decide the winners and losers of food? Hmmm….how did they do picking energy companies? Can you say Solyndra?  I…

For days, I have been listening to all the chatter about Justin Bieber and his alleged return to God. All the buzz was about his bath tub baptism by NYC’s Hillsong pastor, Carl Lentz. Yes, Bieber has a faith background. As of late, however, he’s followed the path of most young celebrity stars–partying, insensitivity, entitlement,…

It’s Father’s Day this weekend and children all over the country will find ways to honor their dads.  Dad’s are important for so many reasons. They are more than a second adult in a home. They impact the psychological, academic and overall well-being of children. What may surprise you is how the marital relationship impacts…

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