ID-10034398It’s Father’s Day this weekend and children all over the country will find ways to honor their dads.  Dad’s are important for so many reasons. They are more than a second adult in a home. They impact the psychological, academic and overall well-being of children.

What may surprise you is how the marital relationship impacts fathering. Constant fighting and bickering between spouses have negative consequences on children.

The QUALITY of the martial relationship matters. It influences how great a dad you will actually be to your children. In other words, you can’t be a great dad and have a terrible marriage.

Marriage has an indirect influence on a father’s parenting. When a father has a good relationship with the mother of his children,  he is:

1) More likely to spend time and be involved with his children.

2) Have children who are psychologically and emotionally healthy.

Furthermore, a mother who feels affirmed by the father of her children and is in a happy relationship is more likely to be a better mom. Dads who love and honor their wives, contribute to mom’s being better moms.

Thus, the quality of the marital relationship affects the parenting behavior of both parents. Both are more responsive, affectionate and confident. And a happy marriage models respect and how to deal with conflict. This teaches young boys to respect women and not act in aggressive ways towards women. And girls with dads in a good marriage are less likely to engage in violent or unhealthy relationships.

Finally, dad’s who are angry, stonewall or show contempt for their wives are more likely to have anxious, withdrawn or antisocial children.

Want to be a great dad? Be a great husband first!



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