ID-100151605We know that obesity is a global epidemic and that something has to be done to curb the eating of most Americans.

One solution being proposed is to tax junk food. This would mean government would decide the winners and losers of food? Hmmm….how did they do picking energy companies? Can you say Solyndra?  I am not feeling the love for this idea!

Denmark gave it a try and taxed foods high in saturated fat. This strategy did not change consumer behavior. And people are growing weary of government poking their nose into private aspects of their lives. Go fix Medicare and take care of our vets. Stop the overreach and work on the tasks you already have to do!

More important is the idea that government can regulate individual choice when it comes to food. If they try, watch for the black market for burgers and fries!

The solution? Take personal responsibility for your health and what you eat.

Instead of constantly looking at government to fix things (consider the track record of this strategy), educate yourself and make better choices. When it comes to losing weight and being healthy, individual responsibility is high on the list of winners. This also means that parents should care for their kids by eating healthy in the home. And consider the fact that a two-year-old can’t walk into McDonald’s and order fries!

Is it easy to resist all the junk food available? No, but if you don’t buy it, you won’t be tempted to eat it. We can say NO with our money! We can make healthy choices!

So no, my junk food should not be taxed. I should stop buying it and eating it. But the idea that I might actually be responsible for my own choices seems to be an idea getting little play these days!

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