Depression Help

Hope starts with you when dealing with depression. Jasmin Pierre is using her experience with severe depression to give others hope. Jasmin ended up in hospital after self-injuring. While in hospital, Jasmin was told by staff that God saved her for a reason. Jasmin was angry at God for not letting her leave this world.…

Food affects mood. Natural foods are better than junk foods at regulating mood. Some foods are natural anti-depressants because of what they contain. Your everyday food choices can affect your mood. Here’s eight foods that fight depression and anxiety. Whole grains. Reduces mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Contain high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid crucial…

Dealing with depression can mean you’ll loose friends. Maybe its already happened to you. Maybe it hasn’t and you’re thinking, “That won’t happen to me. My friends and family love me too much.” It’s a sad reality that friends and family will stop talking to you or visiting you. Loosing family and friends while dealing…

What’s in your emotional toolkit? Jennifer Boyatt, life coach and speaker, believes we all have the strategies and skills necessary to cope with life in our toolkits. It’s just how or if we use them that makes the difference between healing or coping. Jennifer lived through her own painful marriage, depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-hatred and…

I used to wish I had a list of 10 things not to say to someone who is depressed stuffed in my pocket, ready to give to anyone who pushed my sensitivity buttons. Some people would say the stupidest thing, and I mean really stupid, and expect that you’d be happy for the advice. I’d…

Christians believe that God loves us and wants only what is good for us. One of my previous articles explained how depression isn’t a sin. Depression isn’t a punishment from God. If anything, depression is you punishing yourself relentlessly. Whatever hell you feel you are in is your own creation. What God brings to depression…

Easter Depression can hit people hard. Religiously, Easter is when Christians remember the death of Jesus. It’s a time to reflect on His sacrifice and what it means to you that He died for your sins. You’re supposed to fast, or at least cut out certain foods. Churches resemble dark tombs with shrouded statues and…

When I was in grade school, we were asked to paint anything we wanted using the three colours yellow, blue, and red. People blended the colours and painted green fields with flowers. Me, I painted an ocean with the sun shining down upon a beach. I never thought about combining the colours, just using the…

Teresa of Avila was a Spanish mystic saint. She had visions of Jesus and God. Saint Teresa had several prayers, but this one I found inspirational during my darker days of depression. I hope it helps you as much as it did me.   Saint Teresa’s Prayer May today be peace within. May you trust…

Your friend just told you that he or she self-harms. How should you react? What should you say? What can you do if your friend hasn’t said anything but you think he/she might be self-injuring? Here’s 8 things you can do when a friend self-injures: Stay calm. Don’t panic or over-react. That will just increase…

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