guest post by Jennifer Cockton   The best things in life cannot be owned, touched, heard or even seen. The best things in life can only be felt. -Helen Keller Chances are you miss the best things in life every day. There are days that I do also. For example our morning commute. We have…

Depression advice for family: Recognize. Talk. Listen. Recognize Depression It can be difficult recognizing that a loved one is depressed. After all, you see the person constantly and believe you really know him/her. Depression creeps in and before you realize, there’s something weird about your family member. Your loved one isn’t the same person you’ve known for…

Are you letting yourself be happy? Too often the worries and complications of life take over. You sit and ponder what your existence is about. Why am I in this job? Why did I get married? What’s going to happen next in my life? How come I don’t have enough money? Sure, life’s challenges and…

  Male menopause and anxiety. As ugly, tough, and weird to go through as female menopause. When a man turns forty, testosterone goes down, cortisol goes up. Emotions go berserk. Depression and anxiety are common. Behaviour can get down right weird or upsetting. It’s puberty hormonally reversed. A man’s body goes through several changes in…

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