depression and low back pain

There’s a mind-body link between depression and low back pain. It’s well-known that neck pain and back pain are side-effects of stress. But depression also causes muscle issues, especially low back pain.

Back pain is linked to depression and anxiety.

In 2017, research done by Canadian University students found a direct link between depression and low back pain. Back pain caused by depression is common between the ages 18 to 26. This is a time of young adulthood, and when people are starting out in their careers, going to college or university, or creating families. It’s also a time when statistically speaking, depression episodes are highest.

The University of Sydney also found a link between back pain and depression. Depressed people have a bigger chance of developing back pain than non-depressed people. Also, the more severe the depression, the worse the back pain becomes. Treatment is difficult, because depressed people don’t respond the same way as someone who only experiences back pain.

Why depression targets your back.

Depressed people have lower levels of serotonin and other brain chemicals. This affects your physical body. It also affects your activity, sleep, and social interactions.

Back pain is known to happen with depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders. Most chronic back pain has a mind-body connection. The mind-body connection means that a real physical problem exists but emotions play a large role in that experience. Mind makes the pain worse or better than it is.

A depressed person usually endures a lot more emotional pain that someone who is healthy. That emotional pain manifests throughout the body as aches and pains. The lower back muscle is not very strong. Repeated stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma are par for the course in depression. These all take their toll on the lower back muscle. Why?

Trauma and anxiety activate your body’s inflammatory system. Your lower back muscle becomes inflamed to protect itself from outside attack, regardless of whether there is any physical outside action. If you repeatedly experience anxiety, stress, and trauma you create muscle memory in your body. Your lower back can only handle so much muscle memory, before something gives. 

Spiritual meaning of lower back pain.

The spiritual meaning of lower back pain is fairly obvious. If you have back pain, it means you are afraid of losing your freedom. 

Your spine is what supports your physical body. Any back pain caused by emotions, means you don’t feel you have enough support from others. This lack of support also means you don’t feel you are free to do what you want to do.

When the root chakra is emotionally blocked, you develop lower back pain, immune problems, depression, and varicose veins. 

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