Wellness has become a global trend that has people taking their health into their own hands by experimenting with bizarre wellness and health regiments. Wellness means different things to different people, and the $4.5 trillion industry offers a vast universe of practices, products, and refashioned belief systems that people abide by in the name of…

Bee venom treatment, drinking breast milk, and essential oils – are they the new medical discovery of the century, or just another trend? Netflix’s new docuseries, “(Un)Well, looks into these wellness fads and more to give some insight into whether they are healthy or not. The six-part docuseries takes a look at the $4.5 trillion…

There has been a growing consensus in the medical community that staying active is the best way for seniors to live a longer and happier life. Staying active lowers risk of heart disease, strokes, and even some types of cancers. It can also improve mental health and a persons ability to think, learn and make…
Research has already shown that running is an activity that can help our overall health, but how much do we have to run to gain the benefits? Researchers from Australia, Austria, Finland, and Thailand performed a comprehensive analysis of available evidence and found that any amount of running is linked to a significantly lower risk…

While the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus an international health emergency, you don’t need to panic too much just yet. Fears and misconceptions surrounding the virus have been spread all over the internet. This is leaving people with more questions than answers, so the WHO started a campaign to educate the public. The…

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