Numerous studies show authentic faith and church attendance’s power, importance, and impact. Still, there seems to be a profound disconnect, especially as culture drifts further away from belief and deeper into a secularistic chasm. Meanwhile, depression, overdoses, suicides, and general disconnectedness continue. The antidote appears to be before us. However, there’s an explicit rejection of…

If you consider yourself a history buff, Colonial Williamsburg may be the place for you to visit. If you live or went to school in Virginia, then you’ve already seen it plenty of times. Colonial Williamsburg is a historical site where you can see and take a step back in time to colonial America. It…

Jamie Lamor Thompson / Shutterstock.com
The world-renowned Pastor, author, and film-producer has inspired millions with his ministries.

YouTube / Muriel
This heartfelt moment portrays an extraordinary message reminding everyone that inspiration comes from all ages and when you least expect it.

In these unprecedented times when attendance in Churches is fluctuating, it is imperative to witness all the good things that are still occurring.

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