What would it be like to live in the vibration of love? Life on steroids. Colorful. Juicy. Peaceful. Soul-nourishing and heart expanding. On a natural high without a need for substances. In synch with your reason for being on the planet. How about if those heightened states of being could be captured in melody and harmony?…

Last night I had the opportunity to watch one of my favorite Robin Williams movies. A lesser known film called Toys, it is the tale of delight and wonder, juxtaposed with darkness and fear; the yin and yang of life. The role seemingly custom made for him, Robin plays a boy-man, a kid in an…

An iconic figure, whose love for and devotion to children worldwide, is gloriously feated in a newly released film, called Won’t You Be My Neighbor? As I sat in the darkened County Theater in my little town of Doylestown, PA, the clock rolled back to the year I turned 5 (1963) and onto the small (Black and…

Awake before the sun peeks over the horizon, to the sound of chirping birds. Eyes open, heart open, body a bit fatigued and rather confused. It thinks it is still five hours later since, for 10 days, where I was living, it was. Time can be a confounding and fascinating thing. At birth, we are…

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