Blessings Abound

“There is nothing to worry about.”   This was one of the angel cards I drew last night.  And how grateful I was to see it. Angel cards, for those unfamiliar with the concept, are decks of cards with messages or images upon them.  There are many kinds of oracles decks out there – angel…

Blessing.  There are two meanings of the word.  One is a noun – as in “count your blessings.”  The other is a verb – the act of blessing, of wishing one well, of bestowing blessings upon someone. It most certainly benefits us to be aware of all the blessings in our lives.  The more we…

Julie Andrews was right, it truly does help to remember your favorite things.  I love to ask people: What are your favorite things?  I love the variety of answers I get.  Some people list things and some people list activities.  My list is usually extremely lengthy because there is so much beauty in the world! …

What would you do if you had unlimited money? What would you do if you had unlimited time? In other words, what would you do if there were no excuses or obstacles? What would you do if you could do ANYTHING you wanted? Don’t pick a hundred things.  Instead, choose the top five things you…

When was the last time you let yourself play?  I’m not talking about sports.  They’re competitive and therefore the territory of adults.  Most games are competitive, too. I’m talking about FUN!  Dancing, twirling, skipping, hand-holding, giggling, make-believe….   Do you remember how to be a kid?   Many of us have been so immersed in adult responsibilities…

In honor of the Summer Solstice, here are some suggestions of how to spend a summer day. If the temperature is comfortable where you are, get a lounge chair or spread a sheet out on the lawn (if you’re in the country) or sand (if you’re at the shore.)   Lie for a while on your…

Something yesterday made me think of my grandparents.  They’re both on the other side now and I’m sure they’re watching me and guarding me and loving me as much as ever. My grandparents were among the generation that still looked like grandparents.  They didn’t feel the need to look younger than they were.  My grandmother…

Did you ever find yourself praying for something and then forgetting to say thank you when you got what you prayed for?  Embarrassing, isn’t it?   Or even if you didn’t pray, perhaps you were somehow spared something that could have happened.  I think it’s important to give thanks in all these circumstances. For instance, yesterday…

Discerning the Messages, Part II What if many of the things which happen to us or appear before us are messages from Spirit?  What if we are not individuals walking through this world all alone, but instead embodied spirits who are dearly loved and guided on a regular basis?  What if things happen for a…

About fifteen or twenty years ago, my friend, Will, gave me a recipe for a peaceful life.  He is only a year older than me, but he’s a wise one.  He said, “Spend an hour each morning watching the sunrise.  And spend an hour each evening watching the sunset.” I confess I do not do…

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