snoopy no response to angerI’m working on it, Snoopy. Trying to remember that putting what’s important to me ‘out there’ (out here?) doesn’t mean I have to engage to people who aren’t respectful in their responses.

But sometimes I’m the one who forgets to be respectful. Right now, I’m seething over the Texas state school board’s decision to load the textbook committee with creationists. Which means — since Texas has a huge textbook market, and drives the output of many textbook publishers — that evolution may have a hard time in upcoming science (& other) textbooks.

I’m breathing sloooowly, inhaling my anger at what this will do to the futures of an entire state’s children. Exhaling balance, since I don’t see this as a peace-maker possibility. When people have strong faith, they are not (usually) willing to discuss. Much less compromise. At least here in Oklahoma, ‘discussing’ evolution vs. creationism means I want you to agree with me. And as I confessed, I’m often one of the guiltiest…

It’s hard for me to understand how people can believe the earth is only 10,000 years old. And yes, I realise that creationists believe in a literal reading of Genesis. But not one of the creationists I know reads the REST of the Old Testament literally. The women don’t wear long hair. The families don’t keep kosher. And all the other ‘laws’ of the Old Testament we have (rightfully) decided don’t belong in the 21st century.evolution tree

What happens to faith if we believe in metaphor? Because if we don’t, sooo much of science is problematic. Which may account for why only about 1/3 of scientists believe in God. But that’s a misleading number: more than half (51%) believe in God/ a universal spirit/ a higher power. That’s not bad, given that scientists aren’t much on ‘faith,’ but want ‘evidence.’ 🙂

I do believe in something. But I don’t name it. And I don’t quantify it. Nor do I think whatever is behind everything — Buddha nature? — is, ultimately, ‘know-able.’ I’m a human speck, for cryin’ out loud! How on earth — or in heaven — can I expect to understand what made everything that was/ is/ shall be possible??

But you know what? I’m okay with that. I just wish I could articulate it — politely — in a way that convinced folks I know what I think. Because I’m really not interested in changing. Any more than they are! 🙂

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