(Unedited) Question submitted via Formspring: “I’ve broke up with my boyfriend for kissing and texting another girl and recently i wanted him back but he said he didn’t want a relationship. I’ve recently found out that he is meeting up with girls and texting them. Does this mean he’s moved on?” First, let’s break this…

Unedited question submitted via Formspring  “If your in the long distance relationship should i make the first move and go to were he is or should he come here first to see me we was engaged once about 10yrs ago what do u think i should do?” The simple answer is, it doesn’t matter who makes…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Could you please tell me about re-incarnation? Do we become whole sentient beings or just bits and parts here and there? And is it wise to try and get in touch with our past lives, or are they the past for a reason?” and “What is the difference between twin soul and…

Question submitted via Formspring (many, many times): Why do Good Girls love Bad Boys? This is one of those issues that has come up so many times that I covered it both on a recent episode of my radio show: Rise UP with B. Dave Walters as well as did a video dedicated to the…

(Unedited) question submitted via Formspring: “Hi Dave, is it OK to have a kiss knowing nothing if he really wants to have a relation with me & just because I love him?” Sure, why wouldn’t it be? A kiss is a harmless show of affection, no big deal. UNLESS you come from a culture where a…

(Unedited) question submitted via Formspring: “My BF and I just recently separated. Recently a friend stated she had to tell me something my BF told her husband. My heart dropped to the floor and ask if he’s in another relationship already. Does this mean I still Love him and have feelings for him?” It’s not too…

The simple answer is: TALK TO EACH OTHER! We’ve said again and again: if you can’t communicate, you don’t have a relationship! It’s normal to settle in to a sort of routine in your relationship; almost no one has the same relationship after one year that they had when they first started dating; and even…

Questions submitted via Formspring: “I’m around great men in my apartment complex and work. Friends say that I should just “talk” to these men, but how? How do you start a conversation with someone without being creepy, and how do you keep the conversation going? I run out of things to say!” And “How can I…

(This was one of my very first and still most controversial articles to date.  Now over 500 articles later, I still couldn’t agree with this more!) A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.  -Sir Winston Churchill Yes, you read that right: I said Creationists and Atheists (or, Creatheists)…

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of…

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