“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal” -Earl Nightingale Los Angeles is a wonderland. Actually, Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, is right here! (OK…Disneyland is just south of Los Angeles in Anaheim, but we take credit for it.) For the most part, it is the center of the universe in terms of…

A little while  ago, I had an unusual request from a young friend of mine. She told me she wanted me to write her a letter for her birthday; but not just email it, write it and mail it the old fashion way. So I worked hard to figure out what was the right thing…

If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living. Gail Sheehy When I take on new coaching clients, either online or here in Los Angeles, one of the first things we talk about is what they’d like to work on. And inevitably, there are negative habits that have formed over…

(Unedited) question submitted via Formspring: “I met this grl online about a year ago we were cool and metin person 2 times when she was in my areaWe gotcloserabout two months ago and pretty much talked all day evry day since i told her i really like her and she said she sees me as a…

Question submitted via Formspring: “One month ago my 2-year relationship ended. I’m in college. That guy was my first ‘real’ relationship and I still love him a lot but we hurt each other because we were both unhappy. Now we still hang out but I don’t feel good, can’t sleep, headache. What should I do?” The…

(Unedited) Question submitted via Facebook : “It’s 3 am and just post it something in my wall and the first person I wanted to say something was you. Is amazing how much you can help ppl that u don’t even know. My boyfriend and I have been having some problems and tonight after a short discussion it…

“Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” -Napoleon Bonaparte. I apologize if the tone of this article is a little…harsher than usual, but I promise it’s only because I love you, and want you to have the absolute most unbelievably mind-blowing life you can possibly have! Over the…

“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” — Albert Einstein Despite all the time we’ve spent talking about Change  up until now, we have tiptoed around the real foundation of change, and what it takes to make it. Everything you are in life, is a combination of your genetic, such as your height, weight, race, and…

Two questions submitted via Formspring: “re: page Jesus is not a jerk. I want to share it with my son who is struggling with addictions. How can I explain your comment that Jesus enjoyed a good time (drinking) without him twisting it to a rationalization that he keep a lifestyle that will kill him?” and “My…

Question submitted via Formspring: “My husband died 1 year ago. I’m lonely, but I’m afraid of falling in love again because I promised him on his deathbed that we would be together again in heaven. If I fall in love with another man, I would break that promise that I want to keep.  Help.” On a…

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