Question submitted via Formspring: I had this date with a guy nearly a month ago, there were hints that he likes me, and he said he would like to see me again.   He also said that he would like to cook for me and stuff; but now he barely answers my emails. He has exams…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I’m a 27 years old guy and have never dated and never had a girlfriend. I have been attracted to different girls throughout the years but when I expressed my interest to them they have always rejected me. I’m now wandering what is it with me? Thanks.” We talked about this in…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I’ve been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend since January.   We don’t talk much, and I’ve only seen him on his birthday in the last three months, and I had to meet him half way.   He says he needs space, because he is overwhelmed with his 70 hour work…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Hello Dave. I’m young and happily single; only friends and fun from time to time. But sometimes when I meet someone with whom I can be a friend AND have fun, I develop feelings for him. This scares me and I stop contact; should I give them a chance?” First, let’s break…

Question submitted via Formspring: “What’s up with the anti-bullying stuff everywhere, and kids killing themselves? Are things really escalating and getting more frequent, or are things just being reported more frequently? Either way, what do you think is the best way to deal with all this?” We talked about this question on a recent episode of Rise…

Question submitted via Formspring “I have been with a man who had at least five affairs during our 27 years or marriage, and even spent 7 years with the same woman. What makes a man do this? What made me accept it for so long? I am trying to move on now; God help me!” We…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Is it possible to be TOO open minded?” Absolutely; especially when you consider it’s possible to be too much of anything! Although, it is far more common to find people who are too closed minded, the too open variety does exist.  Usually, people who are too open minded suffer from low…

  Question submitted via Formspring: “I have been in a long distance relationship since January; I’ve had an amazing time and he was the best thing in my life.  But, he’s said he wants to tone it down; feelings have changed and he wants to ‘see the world’. I don’t want to lose him, what should…

  “As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.” -Emerald Tablets of Hermes The Secret was many people’s first introduction to the Law of Attraction, but the Law is actually only one part of Seven Universal Laws.  We have talked before about the Seven Universal Laws both here, and…

“Two questions submitted via Formspring: I’m stuck in a loveless marriage. We do nothing together but take care of the kids and take care of other things. We are basically just roommates. Our kids are young the youngest is 3. So I’m not waiting until he leaves the house. I need to be happy now.”…

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