Question submitted via Formspring: “I have been in a long distance relationship since January; I’ve had an amazing time and he was the best thing in my life.  But, he’s said he wants to tone it down; feelings have changed and he wants to ‘see the world’. I don’t want to lose him, what should…

In the year 2012, it is hard to see Mother’s Day as anything other than another ‘Hallmark holiday’ designed to sell cards, roses, and expensive dinners. However, this wasn’t how the holiday was originally intended. Mother’s Day was created by Julia Ward Howe, the same woman who wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic (Glory, Glory, Hallelujah).…

  “As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.” -Emerald Tablets of Hermes The Secret was many people’s first introduction to the Law of Attraction, but the Law is actually only one part of Seven Universal Laws.  We have talked before about the Seven Universal Laws both here, and…

Tonight is a very special night! From “At 8:35 p.m. PST on Saturday, the full moon will be the largest all year. This is because the moon is at its perigee meaning it’s closer to the earth than any other time in its regular orbit. The moon will be up to 14 percent bigger and…

“Two questions submitted via Formspring: I’m stuck in a loveless marriage. We do nothing together but take care of the kids and take care of other things. We are basically just roommates. Our kids are young the youngest is 3. So I’m not waiting until he leaves the house. I need to be happy now.”…

(Unedited) question submitted via Formspring: “What is the best possible way to dump someone? I wanna break-off my relationship, but I’m pretty sure my partner is still enamored with me. I wanna stay friends, and don’t want to hurt anyone, y’know?” There’s good news, and there is bad news. The bad news is: you are…

(Unedited) questions submitted via Formspring: “Hi, I am one of those “good girls” faling in love with “bad boys”. With a dad who was never at home and a mental unstabil mum. You say, we can not trust our first instinc in love! Then how can I ever know how to pick? I am confused.…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I am one of the oldest living virgin women at 34 years old. In dating, I have yet to trust anyone enough to take that from me. A long-time friend I trust has watched me struggle over the years, and offered a “virginity pact” – moral problem: he’s married” We talked…

“Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” -Kahlil Gibran “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson “Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?” -Rose Kennedy Earth…

“In the Gospel of St. John it is written: “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.” Further, it is written, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. What is born of…

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