snow%2520angelFor some people the holydays are an emotionally difficult time. My mom died just before the holydays, I was terribly depressed and lonely. I was so disconnected from my spirit, the divine and the angelic realms. When I look back now I know I was surrounded by love but I was just unable to open my heart to feel it.

I know we are all surrounded by angels. If you are having a hard time believing that you can borrow my belief for a while. You can suspend your beliefs and borrow my knowing.

One of my mentors told me that when I was in the midst of my misery and it worked. I knew he believed and felt their love so I imagined seeing my life through his eyes. What a difference!

Our beliefs create our experience of life

I learned to embrace new beliefs and my entire world changed. Here are some of the beliefs I embraced. Try believing them and see what happens in your life.

I am safe
I am surrounded by love
Life is perfect just the way it is is
This is a safe and loving universe
I am surrounded by angels
Only the love is real
I swim, move, and live in a sea of love
Angels see only love
I can choose to see life through the eyes of angels
Angels love me
Angels are everywhere
Magic happens
Life can be easy and effortless

I used to be so good at arguing for my limitations and am so grateful I decided to make a different choice.


Want to feel the presence of angels?

Spiritual practices take practice. Feeling the love of the divine takes willingness and often we have to practice to see life through the eyes of love.

Create bookends, something you do in the morning and at night to help you feel the love of the angelic realms.

Suggested bookends:

Write a gratitude list
Read a spiritually uplifting book
Help another
Look in the mirror and say, “I love you” and mean it

The list goes on and on. Take action daily and watch your life change.

Calling the angels into your home

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

Make Angels on Your Shoulder part of your daily routine and share it with a friend!

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