I am frequently asked, “Why the widespread departure from organized religion?” I have thought long and hard about this and, for those of you who follow my blogs with the Huffington Post and the articles I write for the Washington Post and BeliefNet.com, as well as my own books, you know I’ve written extensively about…

Crucifixion Of Jesus Why did Jesus die? The most honest answer? Nobody really knows. Not even the Apostle Paul and he was likely the first to write about these matters  (Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 12). Death by crucifixion is a painful, slow death and virtually unimaginable to the modern mind.  History tells us that…

Why is your religion and/or religious belief powerless to change you? Powerless to change the world? This might explain it… In Voice of Reason, a book shared with me by my Facebook friend, Bill Butler, author Bryant McGill writes: “Take any concept you believe in deeply and say out loud, and with full conviction, that…

Once you embark on the spiritual path and begin to practice it regularly, there will come a time – it may be a few months or perhaps even a few years – but there will come a time when you realize nothing is as it once was and there is no going back. No going…

Since the article I wrote a few weeks ago was released, “6 Things Christians Should Just Stop Saying,” I have received a myriad of emails and comments. Most have appreciated my awkward attempts to share my feelings and concerns about the state of Christianity today. Others, however, were not so appreciative. In fact, some were quite offended.…

To those who know me, it is no surprise that I was born with a WHY chromosome. Because I was so fortunate as to travel the world during my teen years…those highly impressionable years…I’ve seen things, heard things, experienced things that became fertile soil to my many questions. I was raised in a Southern Baptist…

I was reminded today of the story Carl Jung used to tell of the dream he once had of a path he was clearing in the woods. With some kind of tool in hand, he was arduously working to clear a path when he took pause long enough to look up. There, in front of…

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