Your introduction to Jupiter in Libra is HERE, and more info on how all this applies to you personally (and those around you) is HERE.

Please note that this is covering the transit of Jupiter in Libra to your birth chart, based on your Rising Sign. There is some applicability if you go by Sun Sign, but this will work a lot better for you if you go by the Ascendant/Rising Sign. If you don’t know what yours is, you’ll need a time of birth… and either a site that will calculate your chart or an astrologer.

Jupiter in Libra is in your Seventh House. Traditionally, the Seventh is “The House Of Marriage.” This transit is no guarantee — don’t order the invitations just yet — but odds are good that your relationship will be more fun, or a casual romance will get more serious, or your long-term bonds with old friends will strengthen and grow.

Where you’ll be getting your biggest buzz: From other people in general, but primarily with those you have established a long-term connection with.

When you’ll need a Designated Driver: You might find yourself dedicating a little too much of your time and energy to someone else (or the pursuit of someone else) for your own good. Settle down there, Pepe Le Pew. If it’s gonna happen, pushing the matter isn’t going to help.

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